Click here to play


Change your input controls

Adjust your latency settings

Select your input method:


Midi input

Remote input

These are your controls.

Change your controls

Reset to default

  • `~
  • 1!
  • 2@
  • 3#
  • 4$
  • 5%
  • 6^
  • 7&
  • 8*
  • 9(
  • 0)
  • -_
  • =+
  • backspace
  • tab
  • q
  • w
  • e
  • r
  • t
  • y
  • u
  • i
  • o
  • p
  • [{
  • ]}
  • \|
  • caps lock
  • a
  • s
  • d
  • f
  • g
  • h
  • j
  • k
  • l
  • ;:
  • '"
  • return
  • shift
  • z
  • x
  • c
  • v
  • b
  • n
  • m
  • ,<
  • .>
  • /?
  • shift

Select your input devicess

Connect to bluetooth device

Would you like to setup you midi notes?

Use default midi inputs

Setup midi (easy)

Setup midi (advanced)

Add midi notes

Drum Midi note #1 Midi note #2 Midi note #3

Setting succesfully saved!

Adjust you latency, a positive value means the notes will come sooner.

0 ms

Enter your remote ID to connect with a remote controller. Don't have an ID? Go to to connect.






/ 00:0

Loading Beginner_X Let's practice some rock tracks drum sheet...